
Just in time for Halloween, we created a template so you can make your own Tonto-latern! We purchased an orange craft pumpkin from Michaels, transferred the Tonto-latern template to the pumpkin using Glad press-n-seal and a Sharpie. Then cut it out with a Dremel tool. But you can use a real pumpkin and a knife if you wish.

  1. Download the template. (see below)
  2. Lay the press-n-seal over the template and trace with Sharpie pen.
  3. Mold the press-n-seal over the pumpkin.
  4. With a pen or other firm pointy item trace over the lines to mark the pumpkin with the design.
  5. Remove the template.
  6. Cut out the pumpkin design.
  7. Enjoy your Tonto-latern!